What does the comprehensive
rental management service involve?

The comprehensive rental managememnet service is designed to ensure owners' peace of mind and security when deciding to rent their property.

Who is the service intended for?

Our service is aimed at all types of people who own property and want to rent it out without taking any unnecessary risks, don't have enough time for all the procedures and paperwork involved, those whose property is far from where they live and those who wish to get the most profit out of their property with minimal complications.

Depending on your needs, we have two types of packs you can contract:

comprehensive rental

With all types of benefits so you can rent your property in the safest way possible.

guaranteed rental

With all the benefits of comprehensive rental as well as all sorts of assistance so you don't have to do a thing.

If I'm interested in the service, what should I do?

Si me interesa el servicio ¿Qué tengo que hacer?

Llamarnos para concertar una visita al inmueble.
Recopilar la información de la vivienda que vamos a necesitar
(escritura de la propiedad, IBI de la vivienda y últimas facturas de agua, luz y gas).
Acompañarnos a la visita del inmueble.
Fijar entre ambos el precio de alquiler.
Firma del contrato de gestión.
Relajarse hasta que le informemos de que el inmueble está alquilado.
Comprobar todos los meses que ha recibido el ingreso de la renta en su cuenta del banco.